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Ways to Break the Cycle of Negative Thinking in Depression

This, in itself, is one of the more insidious symptoms of depression: a negative thinking cycle from which there is no clear way out. If you are part of this circle, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless, as if you were trapped in unending negativity. 


There are, however, some effective ways to stop this circle from turning and to start seeing things more positively. You can regain partial control over your thoughts and feelings once you know where negative thoughts emanate from and some useful techniques to correct them.

Recognize Negative Thought Patterns

Notice how you’re thinking negatively. Usually, negative thinking comes in the form of automatic thoughts: those that seem to pop out almost reflexively and thus have a lot to do with being pessimistic or self-critical. 

Catastrophizing (anticipating the worst), black-and-white thinking (seeing things as either perfect or entirely a failure), and overgeneralization (making broad assumptions based on one event) are all common patterns. 

The better you can recognize the ways you may be slipping into these thought patterns, the more likely you’ll be to argue and replace them.

Seek Professional Help

Negative thinking habits may get so strongly entrenched in your brain that you do not know how to transform them all by yourself. It is then the intervention of professional help that will be most valuable. 

According to KFF, from February 1 to 13, 2023, 31.7% of adults in California reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder, compared to 32.3% of adults in the U.S.

A therapist or counselor in treatment centers in California will help you recognize and dispute negative thoughts, develop methods for overcoming them, and lend the much-needed support as you work hard towards breaking out of the cycle of negativity. In particular, CBT appears especially helpful against negative thinking associated with depression.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a very powerful tool in managing negative thoughts. It helps you distance from such thoughts, allow them, without judgment, and continuously be present to watch your thoughts. 

You can step back from your thoughts by noticing that they are merely thoughts, not facts. Regular mindfulness practice, therefore, can help in reducing the intensity and frequency of negative thoughts, making them manageable.

Challenge Negative Thoughts

Once you have identified your negative thoughts, challenge them. Ask yourself if the thought is fact or assumption/exaggeration. Consider alternative explanations or viewpoints. 

For example, if you find yourself thinking, “I’ll never be good at anything,” challenge this by listing things you have been successful at in the past. By questioning and reframing negative thoughts, you can cut down most of their power over you.

Reframe Your Thoughts

Reframing means looking at the situation from another, more positive perspective. Rather than looking at what went wrong, he should identify something that could be learned from the experience or some positive element resulting from it. 

For instance, if you committed an error at work, instead of beating yourself up over the blunder, think about what you have learned from it and what action you can take to do better next time. Such reframing might help snap you out of negative spirals.

Positive Activities

Do things that bring you some joy and enhance your self-esteem. This might include visiting near and dear ones, working on a hobby, or taking some physical exercise. 

The point is that such positive activities may take your mind off negative thoughts and therefore brighten your mood. Scheduling time for these activities regularly can build resilience against negative thinking.

Realistic Goal Setting

Usually, depression affects a person in such a way that he feels hopeless and unmotivated. Small, achievable goals bring the person out of the circle of thinking by giving them the feeling that progress is underway. 

Start doing small, easy things, like making your bed or taking a short walk, and increase from there. These small successes, when celebrated, can boost your confidence and shift your focus away from negative thoughts.

Practice Self-Compassion

Self-compassion means treating oneself with the same consideration and understanding one would give to a close friend. When negative thoughts arise, let them pass without judgment and remind yourself that it’s okay to make mistakes or feel difficult emotions. 

Instead of being critical of yourself, offer kind, encouraging words. This is how to begin to diffuse rather than increase the negative charge on thought and engender a more supportive attitude to oneself.

Develop a Gratitude Practice

Gratitude is the antidote to ill thoughts. When you continuously express thankfulness for what you have, you erase the emphasis that your mind has on your negative thoughts, hence building a better attitude. 

Gratitude can be practiced by writing three things that you are thankful for each day in your gratitude journal. This will help your mind focus on more positive thoughts over time and increase your happiness.

Be Wary of Negative Influences

Such negative thinking can be further fueled by external factors, bad news, toxic relationships, or environments that turn on the stressors. It’s important to understand these influences and find ways to reduce your exposure to them. 

It may be in the way of setting boundaries with some people, reducing time spent on social media, or simply avoiding negative news. By designing an environment more positive and supportive in nature, you will certainly be in a better place to limit the effects of negative thinking.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Stress and anxiety could be the underlying cause of your negative thinking. Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and meditation are some simple relaxation activities that may help calm your mind and, therefore, reduce the degree of negative thoughts.

These techniques not only soothe a troubled mind but also give you greater control over your thoughts and emotions, helping to break the cycle of negativity.

Cultivate Positive Relationships

Surround yourself with positive and supportive people; these relationships will enrich your mental health in many ways. Positive relationships provide support and encouragement emotionally; they tend to alter how one views things for the better. 

They ease negative moods and enhance perspective. Engage with people who make you feel uplifted and valued, and distance yourself from draining or harmful relationships.

Live in the Moment

So much of depression is ‘living’ in regrets about the past or fears of the future. Bringing your focus into the present can help you break these unhealthy patterns of thinking. 

Practice grounding techniques like focusing on your breath or engaging your senses to bring your attention back to the present moment. Staying present takes investment away from negative thoughts and allows a more authentic cultivation of peace.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are statements repeating and reassuring goodwill towards the self. Repeating them regularly can help reprogram your mind and counteract negative thinking. Repeat positive affirmations that relate personally to you, such as “I am worthy of love and respect” or “I have the strength to overcome challenges.” 

By repeating these affirmations daily, you can start shifting toward a more positive mindset and lessen the impact of negative thoughts when they arise.

Be Patient with Yourself

Understood that these are cycles of thinking that will take time and work to break. You need to be patient with yourself and let the progress be slow. Even small successes are worth celebrating, so take the time to acknowledge them. 

And don’t get frustrated if you slip up sometimes. Remember, this is a process, and it will be one step at a time. With patience and kindness toward yourself, you can gradually rid yourself of negative thoughts and foster a more positive attitude.


Negative thinking patterns are among the most common and complicated characteristics of depression. However, one can break this chain. By identifying negative thought patterns, practicing mindfulness, challenging and reframing your thoughts, and engaging in positive activities, you’ll be well on your way to shifting your mindset. 

The addition of self-compassion, gratitude, and relaxation techniques into your regime lends further impetus toward a balanced and positive state of mind. Be easy on yourself in this work of breaking the cycle of negative thinking, and do not hesitate to seek professional support if needed.


  1. How do I start challenging negative thoughts when they feel overwhelming?

Begin by questioning the evidence supporting the thought, and then consider alternative, more positive perspectives.

  1. Is mindfulness really effective against negative thinking?

Yes, it does. Mindfulness helps you remain in the present moment and see your thoughts but not judge them; hence, their strength and control over you are reduced.

  1. Can professional therapy help against persistent negative thinking?

Absolutely, therapy, especially cognitive-behavioral will be very potent in raking out and changing one’s negative thought patterns.